Low Energy Consumption, High Efficiency - SW Micro-Power Biological Disc Sewage Treatment Technology
In the field of sewage treatment and water resource reuse, MBR, also known as Membrane Bio-Reactor, is an innovative water treatment technology that combines activated sludge methods with membrane separation techniques.
There is a wide variety of membranes, which can be classified according to separation principles into reaction membranes, ion exchange membranes, permeable membranes, etc.; by the nature of the membrane, into natural membranes (biological membranes) and synthetic membranes (organic and inorganic membranes); and by the structural type of the membrane, into flat sheet, tubular, spiral, and hollow fiber types, among others. Based on the pore size of the membrane, they can be divided into ultrafiltration membranes, microfiltration membranes, nanofiltration membranes, reverse osmosis membranes, etc.
Suzhou Clear Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. has been dedicated to domestic sewage treatment for 23 years, exporting its products to more than 50 countries and regions, and holding a market share of 47% in major scenic areas and rural areas around the world. The company's product technology and engineering processes have always been upgraded in tandem with international standards, and it is the sole agent for the purification tank products of Fuji Industrial Co., Ltd. in Japan. The main products include the SW low-energy biological disc domestic sewage treatment equipment, OGA oil-containing sewage treatment device for the catering industry, VGS vertical oil-water separator for industrial use, SW-Y hospital sewage treatment equipment, sewage lifters, and large-scale sewage pumping stations, etc. The SW domestic sewage treatment device is a low-energy, high-efficiency sewage treatment device with a core technology of composite biochemical sewage treatment. The rotating biological treatment unit is the core part of the SW device, which widely absorbs the most advanced sewage treatment technologies, integrates the advantages of various low-concentration organic sewage treatment processes, and combines various new technologies such as air-water mixing and accumulation, biological disc technology, contact oxidation technology, brush aeration technology, biological forced self-cleaning technology, and cascade treatment technology, forming the unique composite sewage treatment technology of the SW process.